Integrated Wizardry - Files and Tech Notes
If you need to install (or re-install) the special fonts used in Integrated Wizardry, the following file is a self-extracting archive of the fonts for Macintosh.
Integrated Wizardry Fonts folder(835Kb), as a self-extracting archive.
Instructions for installing these fonts:
- Download the font folder by clicking on the underlined text above.
- After the download is complete, if your copy of Netscape is configured for it, the file you have downloaded will be automatically unpacked (twice) and a new folder named "Fontsf" will appear.
- If the above doesn't happen: Quit from Netscape. Then find a program called Stuffit Expander. Double click on it to launch it. Then use the file menu to open a file called "MOMFonts.sea.hqx". The unpacking process should proceed.
- Once you have the folder named "Fontsf", you need to open it and copy the contents of the folder, 11 fonts and a suitcase file, to your System folder.
- If you have more than one computer on the network which accesses MOM, copy the entire folder to the other computers, and install the fonts as described in the previous item.
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